Please enjoy our latest presentations and club meetings.
Our latest videos are posted here usually within a week after they are recorded.

Date Description Presenter Youtube Video Topics
May 2022 W0TLM May 2022 Club Meeting - All Things Digital

All Things Digital - a synopsis. Differences, advantages and disadvantages of DMR, D-Star, C4FM (Fusion). Speaker: Bill "Bucky" Buckwalter, WØSUN. Bill is a member of the Parker Radio Association and Co-Host of the Digital Learning Net, a weekly net on the SKYHUBLINK where they answer questions and discuss everything about Digital Ham Radio.

W0SUN Bill Buckwalter
DMR, D-Star, C4FM, Fusion, digital modes
Apr 2022 James Webb Telescope/Meshtastic Radios

Curtis Hays, KC5CW, provides a brief overview of the James Webb Telescope and his experience with the Meshtastic Radios.

KC5CW Curtis Hays
meshtastic, sdr
Mar 2022 Introduction to SOTA and POTA

Bob Witte, K0NR, provides an introductory presentation to Summits on the Air and Parks on the Air.

Slides: IntroToSOTAandPOTA-W0TLM-Mar2022-2.pdf
K0NR Mr. Bob Witte
Feb 2022 Urban RFI and Ham Radio
Slides: Urban RFI and Ham Radio - Wyatt V4 Reduced 2UP.pdf
WA6TTY Kenneth Wyatt
RFI, ham radio
Jan 2022 W0TLM January 2022 Club Meeting - EW and Ham Radio
Slides: 220117 Presentation - EW and Ham Radio.pdf
KE0HOU Bryant Clayton
Nov 2021 Deep Space Exploration Society - Ham Radio

Dan Layne AD0CY presents on the Deep Space Exploration Society and its involvement in ham radio.

Slides: W0TLM-DSES-Nov15-2021.pdf
AD0CY Dan Layne
Oct 2021 Buttons and Knobs
Slides: Buttons and Knobs.pdf
W0GAS Greg Smith
programming, Radios
Aug 2021 SCU Presentation on the July 4th Parade
Jul 2021 W0TLM July 2021 Club Meeting, Show and Tell
W0GAS Greg Smith
Show & Tell
Jun 2021 W0TLM June 2021 Club Meeting - FCC Report and Order Governing RF Exposure –

June 2021 Presentation. Loren KEØHZ will present on the FCC Report and Order Governing RF Exposure – Why you need to care and some assistance with staying compliant with the FCC.

Slides: FCC Report and Order Governing RF Exposure W0TLM 210621.pdf
KE0HZ Loren Anderson
FCC, RF Exposure, ham radio
Apr 2021 Skywarn Program

April 2021 Club Meeting. Presentation: Greg Heavener from the NWS. Topic: The SKYWARN program and ham involvement with the program including a general discussion of weather information of interest to local hams.

TBD Greg Heavener
skywarn, weather, NWS
Mar 2021 W0TLM March 2021 Club Meeting - KM4ACK presents

Jason Oleham, KM4ACK, the creator of Build A Pi, discusses his experience as a ham and the genesis of the Build A Pi concept.

KM4ACK Jeff Oleham

no presentation for this meeting.  Interview Style format

Raspberry Pi, Build a Pi
Feb 2021 W0TLM February 2021 Club Meeting, Rocky Mtn State of Affairs

February 2021 Club Meeting:
Speaker: Jeff Ryan KØRM, Director, Rocky Mountain Division, ARRL 
Topic: Current state of affairs in Amateur Radio, the ARRL, and the FCC. Hear what’s happening in the Rocky Mountain Division.

K0RM Jeff Ryan
ARRL, FCC, Rocky Mountain Division
Jan 2021 Learning Series: Improve Your HT Antenna Jan 29 2021
Slides: Improve Your HT Antenna.pdf
K0NR Bob Witte
HT, Antennas
Jan 2021 W0TLM January 2021 Club Meeting Logging Contacts

The presentation at the January meeting: Log Confirmations – How to get onto Logbook of the World (LoTW), how to upload logs to LoTW, how to use QSL cards, how the bureau works, how to submit logs to SOTA and POTA and how to get that coveted DX QSL card/LoTW confirmation by using Club Log.

Slides: LoTW Slides for2021-01-18.pdf
W0GAS Greg Smith
Dec 2020 Gettin on the Air: Making your first VHF repeater or simplex contact
K0NR Bob Witte
Dec 2020 W0TLM December 2020 Club Meeting - Logging

Greg, W0GAS, moderates a panel discussion on logging software. Why you should log, how to pick a logging application, & how they work. After you start logging you can easily export your contacts to contest and award verification sites. We’ve assemble a panel to discuss the some of the numerous logging apps.

Slides: Logging - W0TLM 2020-12-21 Final.pdf
W0GAS Greg Smith
Nov 2020 November 2020 W0TLM Club Meeting - Antenna Panel Discussion

For the W0TLM November 2020 Club Meeting, Bob, KØNR, moderates a panel discussion with club members, Chip, KØCHP (mobile antennas), Steve, WGØAT,  (Portable/SOTA), and Al, WBØTGE (2M/70CM antenna design)

Slides: November 2020 Antenna Panel Combined.pdf
K0NR Bob Witte
ham radio, Antennas
Oct 2020 October 2020 W0TLM Club Meeting Presentation - Shack on a Pi

Loren, KE0HZ and Barry, KD0RQU, present on two Ham Radio based linux builds for the Raspberry Pi.  The two builds HamPi and Build a PI are built by fellow ham radio operators and provide a consolidated package of some of the most popular linux based ham radio software, everything from rig control like FLDIGI to APRS.  Join them for a quick run down on the packages, features and benefits.

Slides: HamPi W0TLM presentation 201018 ke0hz-kd0rqu.pdf
KE0HZ Loren Anderson
Linux, Raspberry Pi, HamPi, Build a Pi
Sep 2020 W0TLM September 2020 Club Meeting - VHF/UHF digital modes

Tim K4RA presents VHF/UHF digital modes. This presentation covers the basics of D-STAR, DMR, and C4FM/System Fusion. It's a broad overview (i.e., an inch deep and a mile wide) discussing the pluses and minuses of each format without getting into the weeds of how to program the different types of radios (each is different). He also explains how we connect the different digital formats together with a Mega site and how hot spots are used. This presentation helps members evaluate which digital radio will help them get on the air.

Slides: W0TLM Digital Radio Presentation[11340].pdf
K4RA Tim Romashko
DMR, VHF/UHF, digital modes
Aug 2020 W0TLM August 2020 Club Presentation - Rob Steenburgh, Space Weather

Rob Steenburgh is a Space Scientist at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Even for non-HAMs this may be useful and interesting.

Slides: W0TLM_Steenburgh_et_al_2020.pdf
AD0IU Rob Steenburgh
space weather, ham radio
Jul 2020 W0TLM July 2020 Club Meeting: Ham Shack tools - K0CHP

Our Very Own Chip Fleming presents a 'recommended' tool kit that is beneficial for every HAM, new or old. This is the kind of stuff Chip likes and is well versed in--he is always looking for a new gadget, so he knows his stuff.

This is a practical guide for any level of HAM, with advice on what to buy, where to buy it, and what to expect to pay for it. 

Slides: testInst.pdf
K0CHP Chip Flemming
ham shack, test equipment
Jun 2020 W0TLM June 2020 Club Meeting - Ron Bondy, AD0DX, Presents Satellites


Slides: Satelites 3-29-20RonBondyAD0DX_W0TLM.pdf
Ron Bondy, AD0DX Ron Bondy
ham radio, satellites
May 2020 W0TLM May 2020 Club Meeting - HAM Radio Science Citizen Investigation.

Loren (KEØHZ) presents "HamSci". Which stands for "HAM Radio Science Citizen Investigation." Hear how amateur radio operators are supporting scientific endeavors by participating in HamSCI. Ham’s are uniquely capable of providing and, in some cases, analyzing data in support of academic research underway to help characterize and predict something near and dear to any Ham – radio propagation.

Slides: Hamsci W0TLM presentation 200518.pdf
KE0HZ Loren Anderson
scientific investigation
Apr 2020 W0TLM April 2020 Club Meeting - The new Nano VNA

Chip presents on the NANO Vector Network Analyzer as a tool for the ham tool kit.

We have one in the club inventory to borrow, once we start in-person meetings again.

Slides: nanovna.pdf
K0CHP Chip Flemming
VNA, Shack, Homebrew, SWR