

Net Controls Needed
The line-up is cold!  Please make time to volunteer for one session as net control to support your club!
To act as the net control station during our weekly net...
Please volunteer at this link.

If EACH member of the club would take ONE net per YEAR, we would have every net covered.
July 22-Need a Net Control
July 29-Need a Net Control
August 5-Need a Net Control
August 12-Need a Net Control
August 19-No Net - Face to Face Club meting!

Our thanks to those who are volunteering to serve as Net Control Operators. We always need Net Control Operators, so please volunteer. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve your on-the-air skills. It is easy to sign up, just go to the Net Control signup page at the Club's website and follow the instructions. There is a simple script on the same page , bottom of the page, that is easy to follow. Info on the NØXLF and WØTLM repeater can be found on that page as well.   If you are into HF nets check this out: NetScraper.

07/27/24  Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Radio Association - MEGAFEST 
WØTLM will have a table at Megafest this year!! Stop by and check it out.   

Colorado 14er Event
Amateur Radio Fun in the Colorado Mountains August 2 through 5, 2024
 More Information Email info@ham14er.org More Information at https://www.ham14er.org

Next WØTLM VE test session 
The next session is scheduled for August 3rd at 10:30 a.m., also at the Monument Library. All license exams will be offered. Preregistration is required; Technician, General and Extra tests are available. 
Monument Library, 1706 Lake Woodmoor Dr.  Monument, CO 80132
Questions, details, sign-up


For anyone who is not familiar with DLARC...  you really should check it out: Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications is a library of materials and collections related to amateur radio and early communications. The DLARC is funded by a significant grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a private foundation, to create a digital library that documents, preserves, and provides open access to the history of this community.   
This free resource combines archived digitized print materials, born-digital content, websites, oral histories, personal collections, and other related records and publications. The goals of DLARC are both to document the history of amateur radio and to provide freely available educational resources for researchers, students, and the general public.
73 Bill WT0DX
Elmering (the best way for local Educational help) . We have a team of volunteers  providing help to those who request assistance. If you need help with anything, please reach out - w0tlm-elmer@w0tlm.org. .  Our Google Groups email system is also great for this purpose. If you have a question, please feel free to ask it - and remember: There are no stupid questions. If you have more than a question or two or would like to be paired with an Elmer, please let  us know and we'll do our best to connect you with someone who can help you. Contact w0tlm-elmer@w0tlm.org.

Check out our own website club presentations - WØTLM Presentations.  We have a tremendous array of presentations on numerous subjects.  If you find one that you need more info on just contact the Elmering crew below.   

And check out our own WØSTU- Stu who teaches the License classes and has the website "Ham Radio School".  Great educational program for new or upgraded licenses for acquaintances, friends, family--these sessions are a big fundraiser for the club, so spread the word out in your circles!

 Ready to upgrade your license!?!?  Ham Radio School is now offering Extra License Course online....

RM HAM University  - check out the offerings and sign up.


If you attend any of these events please send pics, links, reports--either real-time or post wrap up-- for inclusion in newsletter! Also if you know of an event that you think other members would enjoy, please submit.   kf0plu@gmail.com

July 20 & 21, 2024  Rally Colorado, an ARA (American Rally Association) event in Colorado; ham volunteers get training for rally safety support, free lodging, t-shirts, sandwich and Saturday night BBQ!!
Time:  daily
Location:  Rangely, Colorado
Info:  More info on American Rally Association here     Watch for updated info here.
Contact:  Paula N6OQQ, Chief of Communications, mpgibeault@gmail.com, 760-382-0821

07/27/24  Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Radio Association - MEGAFEST, an ARRL sanctioned event 
Time:  0800 to 1300  (Vendors 0600) Ticket sales 0730
Location:  Lewis-Palmer High School - 1300 Higby Rd, Monument, CO 80132  
Admission: $5.00   Table Rental:  To sign up for tables, entry or go here
Hourly Door Prizes!!  Raffle!!  Grand Prize: HF Go Kit ICOM IC-705 with custom backpack and Chameleon Modular Portable Antenna   
Contact:  More Megafest info here  or email megafest@ppraa.org or call Leianna N7ZOO at 719-271-2961.

08/10/2024   Western Colorado Amateur Radio Club Hamfest and Swapmeet 
Time: tbd
Location:  First Christian Church, 1326 N. 1st Street,  Grand Junction, CO 81501 
Info:  Talkin: 146.94- 107.2 Hz(-)    More here.
Contact: Email Rick Miller , AK0HS rickisdoingok@gmail.com

8/25/24 Denver Radio Club HamFest 
Time:  9:00 AM to 1:00PM
Location:  Adams County Fairgrounds - 9775 Henderson Road in Brighton
Contact:  More Details here

8/31/24 Alamogordo Amateur Radio Club (AARC) 38th Annual Hamfest
Time:  7:00 AM to 3:00 PM-ish
Location:  Otero County Fairgrounds, Alamagordo, NM
Info:  Link
Contact:  KI5RUS Rusty rjaskolo@gmail.com  / KB7SQF Rick rick@nmex.com

10/06/2024  BARCfest, Boulder Amateur Radio Club's  Amateur Radio Hamfest
Time: 9:00AM-1:00PM
Location:  Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont
Info: Table Cost: $15.00   Admission: $5.00    For information and the table reservation form, go to the BARC website www.qsl.net/w0dk
Contact: Debbie WB2DVT at 303-447-3183 or send an Email to barc70@arrl.net

 Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.  There are numerous sites and ways to check and see where and what the chances are of that great contact.  One to check is W5MMW solar site info  Check it out.  Also this site provides solar data NØNBH.     


If you have pictures of a new product, hack, install, please share for this section!   kf0plu@gmail.com


If you attend an event and have pictures of want to submit an article or blurb about an activation or event, please share for this section!   

Still looking for another editor for the newsletter to spread the load.  Please volunteer. We have also thought that someone with a more professional eye could make it more appealing.  Also Reporters are encouraged to send in pics of field events, builds, etc...  If you have an interest in such a worthy function let us know; WE are also willing to help train!


Please check the club website for clothing, calendar, Equipment Cache, Presentations, and other important links at: https://w0tlm.org

Club Support we take no dues but depend on donations and other means of building and keeping our operating budget so check out the website at WØTLM - About Us on how you can help.

Sign up to receive this Newsletter. We use Google Groups for our email list, which is the best way to stay in touch with the radio club activities: WØTLM mailing list and Google group. Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested in ham radio in general or our Club specifically. Each Week, we are posting the most recent version of the Update on the Club's website. For security reasons, some of the links have been removed. If you want the links you will need to sign up to be on our mailing list.

Zoom Invitation/Link for the Next Monthly Club Meeting. The link for the next monthly Club meeting and presentation (but not for Connect Time) is: https://w0tlm.org/w0tlm-club-meeting.  Connecting should be as easy as clicking the link. If you have your Zoom account set up you should be prompted to open your Zoom app. If you don't have a Zoom account, you will be prompted to permit Zoom to download. Once it has been downloaded, you will click the prompt to join the meeting. ZOOM HAS UPDATED ITS SETTINGS AND YOU MAY NOW BE PLACED IN A "WAITING ROOM" BEFORE JOINING THE CALL. PLEASE BE PATIENT, WE WILL BE WORKING TO MINIMIZE THE WAITING. Please check the lower left hand corner of the display to confirm that the video does NOT have a red line through it. Please also confirm that the microphone does have a red line through it. If you do not have a camera and microphone on your computer, you may still observe and listen in.  The steps are the same, except you do not need to adjust your microphone and camera. Finally, please change your "screen name to reflect your first and last name and call sign. We use this to determine who is attending.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association (WØTLM)" group.  To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to w0tlm+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.

KFØPLU  (still in WY but back in the saddle, so to speak)
in training with...