ONE WEEK AWAY! Clear the calendar and bring the family!
September Club Picnic...
In lieu of the monthly meeting a club picnic will be held on Saturday, September 14 at Fox Run Regional
Park Pavilions 4 & 5 from noon to 5:00 PM. The whole family is invited!! There is a playground close by so make sure to
bring the whole family! Plenty of room to operate, relax and enjoy! This will be a great time to get to know other members of the Club. Hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled onions, baked beans, soda pop and water will be provided by the club.
Please bring a potluck side dish as you may desire.
Some Pot Luck Ideas:
-Salads: Potato, Cole Slaw, Macaroni, Veggie
-Chips, dips and salsa
-Cold Veggie or Fruit Platter
-Casseroles like Mac and Cheese
-Cookies for dessert
-Or whatever may make your tummy happy!
Just plan on having a good time and playing on the radio.
Again the location is Fox Run Regional Park, Pine Meadows Picnic Area, Pavilions 4 & 5 - 2110 Stella Drive Colorado Springs 80920
Upcoming Technician Licensing Class...Tell your friends, family and anyone who might be interested
When: October 19 thru November 16
Where: combination online, zoom and in person
More info here!
Sign up for King Soopers Program to help support the club...
This is a simple way to generate easy money for the club. If you connect your King Soopers card to the Community Rewards program and select our club as the nonprofit organization, the club will receive a quarterly payment based on purchases. It costs you nothing and is a wonderful benefit for the club. Once you sign up, you are set forever. We cannot emphasize this enough as this program really generates great revenue for the Club and it costs nothing for you to participate.
STEP 1: Just log into your account (tied to your King Soopers Card) or create an account if you don't have one.
STEP 2: Select Community Rewards Program, Type in Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association (or use our account number, KM150).
STEP 3: Press "Enroll" and you will receive a confirmation. It's that easy and takes only a minute or two.
Fall line-up into the holiday season...
September 14: In lieu of the monthly meeting, a club picnic will be held on Saturday, September 14 at Fox Run Regional Park Pavilion 4 & 5. Playground is close by so make sure to bring the whole family! Plenty of room to operate, relax and enjoy! Hamburgers, hot dogs, soda pop and water will be provided by the club. Please bring potluck side dishes as you may desire.
October 21: Monthly meeting guest speaker Ed Fong, WB6IQN, ( Ed will present a talk on antennas. He is well known for his affordable J-Pole.
November 16: This is the month of our annual elections. Please consider ways in which you may want to contribute your talents to the success of our club, either as an officer or assisting in one of our committees. Additionally, we will discuss topics for Tech Day to be held in January and potential programs for 2025.
December: No meeting, enjoy your holidays!
Net Controls Needed
Please make time to volunteer for one session as net control to support your club!
To act as the net control station during our weekly net...
Please volunteer at this link.
If EACH member of the club would take ONE net per YEAR, we would have every net
September 9 - NØOLD
September 16 - No Net - CLUB PICNIC on Sept. 14th!!
September 23 - Need a Net Control
September 30 - Need a Net Control
October 7- Need a Net Control
October 14- Need a Net Control
Our thanks to those who are volunteering to serve as Net Control Operators. We always need Net Control Operators, so please volunteer. This is a wonderful opportunity to improve your on-the-air skills. It is easy to sign up, just go to the Net Control signup page at the Club's website and follow the instructions. There is a simple script on the same page , bottom of the page, that is easy to follow. Info on the NØXLF and WØTLM repeater can be found on that page as well. If you are into HF nets check this out: NetScraper.
Next WØTLM VE test session
When: November 9, 2024, 10:30 AM exam start time
Where: Monument Library
Info: All license exams offered. Pre-registration is required. Sign-up here
For anyone who is not familiar with DLARC... you really should check it out: Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
The Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications is a library of materials and collections related to amateur radio and early communications. The DLARC is funded by a significant grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a private foundation, to create a digital library that documents, preserves, and provides open access to the history of this community.
This free resource combines archived digitized print materials, born-digital content, websites, oral histories, personal collections, and other related records and publications. The goals of DLARC are both to document the history of amateur radio and to provide freely available educational resources for researchers, students, and the general public.
73 Bill WT0DX
Elmering (the best way for local Educational help) . We have a team of volunteers providing help to those who request assistance. If you need help with anything, please reach out - . Our Google Groups email system is also great for this purpose. If you have a question, please feel free to ask it - and remember: There are no stupid questions. If you have more than a question or two or would like to be paired with an Elmer, please let us know and we'll do our best to connect you with someone who can help you. Contact
Check out our own website club presentations - WØTLM Presentations. We have a tremendous array of presentations on numerous subjects. If you find one that you need more info on just contact the Elmering crew below.
RM HAM University - check out the offerings and sign up.
If you attend any of these events please send pics, links, reports--either real-time or post wrap up-- for inclusion in newsletter! Also if you know of an event that you think other members would enjoy, please submit.
9/14/24 WØTLM Club Picnic
Time: 12:00PM to 5:00PM
Location: Fox Run Regional Park Pavilion 4 & 5 - 2110 Stella Drive, Colorado Springs, 80920
Info: Here
Contact: Here
10/06/2024 BARCfest, Boulder Amateur Radio Club's Amateur Radio Hamfest
Time: 9:00AM-1:00PM
Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont
Info: Table Cost: $15.00 Admission: $5.00 For information and the table reservation form, go to the BARC website
Contact: Debbie WB2DVT at 303-447-3183 or send an Email to
10/21/24 WØTLM Monthly Meeting Guest Speaker --Ed Fong, WB6IQN, (
Time: 7:30-9:00PM
Location: Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce - 166 2nd St Monument
Info: Here
Contact: Here
11/16/24 WØTLM Monthly Meeting ELECTIONS!! And Forum Discussion on 2025 Planning....
Time: 7:30-9:00PM
Location: Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce - 166 2nd St Monument
Info: Here
Contact: Here
Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway. There are numerous sites and ways to check and see where and what the chances are of that great contact. One to check is W5MMW solar site info Check it out. Also this site provides solar data NØNBH.
TIP, TRICKS, & PROJECTS If you have pictures of a new product, hack, install, please share for this section!
Interested in QRP? Transmitting at reduced power (5W or less) while maximizing an effective range can be a fun challenge for new and experienced hams alike!
Here are AARL links on understanding QRP , why QRP and build your own projects.
If you attend an event and have pictures of want to submit an article or blurb about an activation or event, please share for this section!
Still looking for another editor for the newsletter to spread the load. Please volunteer. We have also thought that someone with a more professional eye could make it more appealing. Also, Reporters are encouraged to send in pics of field events, builds, etc... If you have an interest in such a worthy function let us know; we are also willing to help train!
Please check the club website for clothing, calendar, Equipment Cache, Presentations, and other important links at:
Club Support we take no dues but depend on donations and other means of building and keeping our operating budget so check out the website at WØTLM - About Us on how you can help.
Sign up to receive this Newsletter. We use Google Groups for our email list, which is the best way to stay in touch with the radio club activities: WØTLM mailing list and Google group. Please pass this along to anyone who might be interested in ham radio in general or our Club specifically. Each Week, we are posting the most recent version of the Update on the Club's website. For security reasons, some of the links have been removed. If you want the links you will need to sign up to be on our mailing list.
Zoom Invitation/Link for the Next Monthly Club Meeting. The link for the next monthly Club meeting and presentation (but not for Connect Time) is: Connecting should be as easy as clicking the link. If you have your Zoom account set up you should be prompted to open your Zoom app. If you don't have a Zoom account, you will be prompted to permit Zoom to download. Once it has been downloaded, you will click the prompt to join the meeting. ZOOM HAS UPDATED ITS SETTINGS AND YOU MAY NOW BE PLACED IN A "WAITING ROOM" BEFORE JOINING THE CALL. PLEASE BE PATIENT, WE WILL BE WORKING TO MINIMIZE THE WAITING. Please check the lower left hand corner of the display to confirm that the video does NOT have a red line through it. Please also confirm that the microphone does have a red line through it. If you do not have a camera and microphone on your computer, you may still observe and listen in. The steps are the same, except you do not need to adjust your microphone and camera. Finally, please change your "screen name to reflect your first and last name and call sign. We use this to determine who is attending.
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KF0PLU in the rough..