All amateurs are invited to take a turn as net control, its easy, fun, and great practice!  

The volunteer process is simple:

  1. Volunteer to be net control for one or more of the Monday nets. Either by:
    1. sign up at club meeting (signup sheet is passed around)
    2. Fill in the form at this website (Form)
    3. Send our Net Manager an email request to be net control
  2. Receive confirmation:
    1. if you volunteered by signing the form at our club meeting you are confirmed you have the night you signed up for.
    2. if you filled in a form at our website or sent an email directly to our Net Manager then you will receive an email confirmation of the Monday night(s) that you have been assigned.
  3. Lead the W0TLM Net on the Monday night you've been assigned.

Running the net on your night is also simple!

Just follow/read this script:

Various small script updates being more clear, adding email and website annoucements.