The Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association is an Amateur Radio club in the Tri-Lakes / Monument area of Colorado. This club is open to everyone interested in ham radio. We are a Colorado-registered 501c3 not-for-profit organization.

The purposes of the Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association are

  • To provide a forum for comradery and association among local Amateur Radio operators.
  • To assist individuals of the public with instruction and training in Amateur Radio for the improvement and development of communications and electronics knowledge and capabilities.
  • To benefit the community through instruction and practice of emergency communications.
  • To provide the public information about the value of Amateur Radio.

Membership is maintained by attending at least one monthly meeting per year.  To request to be a new member, sign our roster at the meeting or join our Zoom call. Two officers must approve new member requests, and membership becomes official after approval. No dues are charged to members, but tax-deductible donations are accepted. Club meetings are held on the third Monday night of each month, except for December.

Our association Constitution and Bylaws are available here:

Donate to W0TLM

There are no fees for membership in the Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association. The club is dependent on revenues from the classes offered and donations. The club is organized as a 501(c)(3) and will provide a receipt for any donation so that the donor will have paperwork to claim a charitable contribution for the donation.

King Soopers program

This is a simple way to generate easy money for the club. If you connect your King Soopers card to the Community Rewards program and select our club as the nonprofit organization, the club will receive a quarterly payment based on purchases. It costs you nothing and is a wonderful benefit for the club. Once you sign up, you are set forever. Please sign up for this program. We cannot emphasize this enough as this program really generates great revenue for the Club and it costs nothing for you to participate. Just log into your account (tied to your King Soopers Card) or create an account if you don't have one. Select Community Rewards Program, Type in Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association (or use our account number, KM150). Press "Enroll" and you will receive a confirmation. It's that easy and takes only a minute or two.