The Tri-lakes Monument Radio Association is an Amateur Radio community dedicated to fun, learning, and supporting anyone interested in Ham Radio. The Association is a Colorado-registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Interested in our club? You are always welcome to check us out at a meeting or any club sponsored event. Simply click on the Calendar or the Newsletters tab on the banner above for more detailed information. The Newsletter contains plenty of articles as well as updates about our club. Meetings and event schedules are also posted in the right hand margin of this page. If you are a licensed Ham please feel free to join us on a Monday Night VHF Net. Membership is easy! Attend a meeting, there are no dues, no costs, and no obligations – just plenty of learning, support and a friendly group of radio hobbyists.
Monthly meetings are held on the third Monday night of each month (except September and December). The meetings are held at the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce Building, 166 2nd Street, Monument, CO 80132 (unless there is a posted venue change). We use Google Groups for our email list, which is the best way to stay in touch with the radio club activities: W0TLM mailing list and Google group. We will open the doors at 6:00 for Connect Time, where members can socialize, meet new people, seek out help, or connect with an Elmer. The business meeting will start at 7 PM - brief business session followed by an educational presentation. Our meetings provide:
- Information about public service and fun activities, license classes, emergency support, and more.
- Technical presentations to advance your knowledge of diverse Amateur Radio topics.
Join our VHF net every non-meeting Monday evening. See the W0TLM Net page for details. The NØXLF repeater frequency is: 147.075 MHz, +600 offset (i.e., 147.675). A 131.8 Hz CTCSS tone is required to access the repeater. We recommend leaving the "Tone Squelch" off. Please add this frequency to your frequency list.
We recently completed a survey of our membership and the detailed results are here: W0TLM Survey Results
Visit the W0TLM Merchandise Page: The Club has a list of recommended vendors for shirts, jackets and name tags with the Club logo.
Visit WØTLM on social media: facebook, Youtube (recent presentation videos), and Instagram.